Recent Art Works

Other Works

  • Interpretation of the term

    Interpretation of the term

    Digital installation on the exhibition Generácia 909 in Slovak national gallery

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  • Virtual reading 1.

    Virtual reading 1.

    With a series of virtual readings, we tried to bring our work closer to people on social networks. The virtual 3D puppet was controlled by Kinect and the environment was created in Unity 3D. It resembled a landscape of fjords and the sea. We imagine that Ludwig Wittgenstein lived in such an environment for some time. This philosopher inherited an incredible amount of money from his father, he could live…

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  • Virtual reading 2.

    Virtual reading 2.

    We used Unity 3D development environment in this Virtual Reader. This time in connection with facial tracking and thus a 3D model of the face was animated by a person through the camera. This reader was thematically connected with the performance Bluebeard – Dea Loher, which spoke about love in its various forms, gender stereotypes and told the stories of people whose bodies or their life situation means that they…

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  • Modrofúz


    Dea Loher

    above all I love yougoosebumps when I heard his voicesomething reliable and familiar, like two cows chewing side by sidebe mine only I just want to talk a little I don’t want to fall in love anymore, I don’t want to get married anymore I kill love, and desire for it maybe you could love me The production describes the stories of people whose bodies or their life situation means…

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  • I am the wind

    I am the wind

    Jon Fosse

    Jon Fosse is certainly the most popular contemporary Norwegian author. The fact is that he writes in the new Norwegian language spoken by about half a million people. The fact is that his wife is Slovak and has translated some of her plays. There are demonstrably different types of pauses and incomplete expressions in his texts. And if the testimony is complete, then the character sually contradicts himself. Fosse himself…

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  • to be myself. to be yourself

    to be myself. to be yourself

    A physician, a patient, a player, and even a manipulator, a sufferer, and a voyeur—these characters toy with their strange fates and identities as the viewer observes them from various angles. Enhanced by video installations and live cinema, the audience experiences the story through a magnifying glass.The three men, who are the protagonists of the play “To Be Myself, To Be Yourselves,” grapple with existence, plagued by feelings of emptiness,…

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  • Pieskovisko


    Michal Walczak / collective creation

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  • Milena / Čiaupas

    Milena / Čiaupas

    original work / collective creation

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  • Seascape


    Edward Albee / collective creation

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  • Text & research works

    Metaphors of Intensities and Indices: Using Digital Technologies and Non-Human Actors in Performing Art
    Nonhuman Actors

    Long term artistic research of non-human actors in performing art as part of my studies in digital technologies and their usage in performing arts done on various universities and institutions (Academy of Performing Arts Bratislava, Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, Academy of Visual Arts and Design, Bratislava)


    Topic: Differences In Perception Of Human And Nonhuman Actors In Digital Paradigm

    Digital installations research
    • member of team on the Department of Research and Development in Slovak National Gallery
    • research of new technologies and their usage in temporary and permanent installations in art galleries and museums
    • research of usage of new technologies like photogrammetry, volumetric capture, motion capture and depth scanning for the purposes of archiving art pieces and XR technologies of bringing digitalised assets to the viewers and visitors
    PhD Studies
    • PhD studies on Academy of Fine Arts and Design Bratislava with the dissertation topic of Differences in perception of human and nonhuman actors in digital paradigm
    • Research based in philosophy and theory of art studying various characteristics and qualities of non-human actors in performing arts
    Helsinki XR Center
    • artistic research internship in Helsinki XR Center
    • study of non-human actors in performing arts and its wide application in finnish art
    Ubu the king in Slovakia
    • research of scenic tradition of the classical play Ubu the king in Slovakia – done for Theatre Institute in Slovakia
    • study is part of wider european project called Classics in the graphic novel
    Non-human actors in slovak scenic art
    • research in the topic of Non-human actors in slovak scenic art
    • done for the conference called Man in conflict with nature
    • consisted of conference contribution, which took place in june 2022 and more thorough study, which will be published in the collection of studies in 2023
    to be me to be you
    • Author(s) of non-periodical publication: collective of authors: Jana Ondrušová, Kaja Kowalczuková, Vanda Zaplatílková Hutařová, Samuel Chovanec, Peter Scherhaufer – Title of non-periodical publication: Drama 2014/2015
    • Publisher: Theatre Institute
    • ISBN EPUB 978-80-8190-006-8
    • Author(s) of non-periodical publication: collective of authors Peter Scherhaufer, Dušan Vicen, Samuel Chovanec, Jozef Jenčo
    • Title of non-periodical publication: Drama 2016
    • Publisher: Theatre Institute
    • ISBN EPUB 978-80-8190-023-5
    Bachelor Thesis

    Topic: Edward Albee – The Coast: Confrontation Of Two Symbolic Realities

    Master Thesis

    Topic: Transformation Without Emphasis On Interpretation

    Poetic Science
    • Author(s) of non-periodical publication: Pavol Weiss, Adriana Krúpová, Dušan Vicen, Uršuľa Kovalyk, Miklós Forgács, Dodo Gombár, Peter Janků, Gabriela Alexová, Kamil Žiška, Marek Godovič, Slavka Civáňová, Jana Micenková, Dušan Poliščák, Tomáš Procházka, Samuel Chovanec
    • Title of non-periodical publication: Green Drama
    • Publishing house: Theatre Institute
    • ISBN 978-80-8190-073-0